Protecting utitility resources. Protecting our communities.

It is often said that the most complex construction project is one in the nuclear production and public utility arena. Protecting resources providing power generation and transmission, water, sewer, garbage collection and much more is of critical importance to our communities. Every utility provider is in a 24/7/365 world. Risk of power loss, water contamination and disruption to landfill operations to name a few, place considerable pressure on municipalities and utility service providers.
Protecting the smart grid may require multiple systems but doesn't require multiple systems integrators. In fact, utilizing Dynamic Controls Inc. as a single source integrator has allowed many providers to protect and control their sites as well as provide invaluable information and cost savings through security audits, new site security surveys, design consultation, full systems installation, and full systems maintenance.

Dynamic Controls Inc. often partners with municipal utilities from the outset of projects. With the amount of public and private investment municipal utilities are making into smart grid technologies, it is imperative they be good stewards of those investment dollars. By partnering with a true system integrator from the beginning, critical options and, ultimately, critical decisions can be made on protecting your utility resources. Whether a wastewater treatment facility, power and transmission provider, or any number of utility service operations, Dynamic Controls Inc will provide "Dynamic Solutions" to your unique challenges.